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Google Goggles – Kerazy stuff!

October 7th, 2010 by Catherine Hsu

Hey everyone,

Have you ever looked at an item – be it a book, a magazine, a landmark, a logo, or whatever it may be… and experienced a dire need to find out exactly what that thing is!? What brand it is, what company it belongs to, what year it was made, you just wanted to know. So you log on to Google, and stare at your blinking cursor – wondering what to type in order to fit the item’s description. But what if words fail you, and whatever adjectives you can muster up simply do not fit the description completely.

Well earlier on this week, I was introduced to a feature that would help solve this problem. My older sister showed me a new app. from Google that included a new feature called “Google Goggles”. She took a random book from our library, took out her phone, and used the google app to take a photo of it. Little blue, green, and red boxes appeared on the screen – scanning the photo carefully –  and within 10 seconds, a google search had been conducted simply based on the photo itself. I proceeded to immediately download his app, and then decided to search it up on youtube.

And this is what I found: YouTube Preview Image

I loved this ad in particular because of its creativity, and artistic simplicity. The majority of the commercial features black & white caricatures that look as if they’ve been drawn with a black sharpie. Any colour that is added in to it is shown to emphasize the more important points of the ad – the informative features of this new google invention.

What to search using Google Goggles

All in all, it amazed me how far technology is growing. The ability for Google to develop such a far-reaching, ambitious, and complicated app. juxtaposed to the simple commercial ad made the app extremely appealing. Despite the complexity of the programming that goes behind this app. that I probably wouldn’t ever begin to comprehend, the simple and cute ad made the app. seem super easy to use!

If you have a smartphone – download the app. for free and see for yourself! It’s pretty darn cool to say the least. 🙂

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  • 1 Carmen C Nov 30, 2010 at 3:13 pm