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Smoking Kills

October 27th, 2010 by Catherine Hsu

The following are WARNING images that will printed on cigarette packages. These new images are a part of the FDA’s tabaccoprevention efforts. Instead of the old “Warning” messages that were printed on the old cigarette boxes, the government has attempted to capture the attention of the general public by printing these shocking and graphic images of the negative implications of smoking.

How effective do you think these ads will be? Or will regular smokers continue to smoke regardless of what is printed on the packages?

The ads feature 9 different messages. Here are a few from each category (I’ve omitted some that are slightly more graphic. These images are taken from http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/Labeling/CigaretteProductWarningLabels/ucm2024177.htm if you’d like to find out more):

WARNING: Cigarettes are Addictive.

WARNING: Tobacco smoke can harm your children.

WARNING: Cigarettes cause fatal lung disease.

WARNING: Cigarettes cause Cancer

WARNING: Cigarettes cause strokes and heart disease.

WARNING: Smoking during pregnancy can harm your baby.

WARNING: Smoking can kill you.

WARNING: Tobacco smoke causes fatal lung disease in nonsmokers.

WARNING: Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health.

Although these advertisements do achieve the shock-element factor, I have to question the ethics of printing such graphic and disturbing images on these cigarette packages. I think that the last series of photos which reflect a more optimistic and hopeful image of a tobacco-free future seems like a better way to reach out to regular smokers. In the society we live in now, most people are well-aware of the negative health effects of smoking, and so printing these graphic and disturbing images would not necessarily change the habits of regular smokers.

Despite the ethical arguments behind this campaign, it is apparent that images do speak louder than words – and that these new images would probably catch more attention than their old Warning text counterparts.

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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Tony Hansel Nov 27, 2020 at 5:43 am

    Cigarette is more dangerous for health. Its have a very injuries’ in our daily life. Its effect the lungs directly.

  • 2 Aeryn Watts Nov 21, 2022 at 9:24 am

    Cigarettes are dangerous to your health according doctors. You should away from cigarettes. It damages your lungs.

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