I was browsing some marketing blogs today and came across a hilarious advertisement posted on Carmen Chan’s Marketing Blog. I found this hilarious because it was so, completely, RANDOM.
I will repost the video here for easy access:

First of all, I love Orangina. It is an awesome and refreshing mixture of orange juice and soda – two things that I love. But seriously, what where they thinking?
This advertisement had nothing to do with the benefits of the product, except perhaps, that the ingredients used in the drink are so natural that you can apply it as aftershave for your skin – if you’re a mountain lion. Yeah, no……even as I typed the latter half of the preceding statement, I felt as if I were talking about an entirely different product. As you can see, I can’t find many ways to justify the presence of certain elements of this most random advertisement.
BUT, this advertisement did make me laugh, despite my initial reaction of utter bewilderment. It drew a reaction out of me that was prominent enough for me to proceed to blog about it. And I am sure, many would enjoy watching the hilarity of this absurd commercial for a orange juice soda – considering there are over half a million views on the youtube video. Therefore, the advertising team behind this commercial was able to successfully accomplish one thing, at least – to create buzz about the brand. Although that buzz may not put the brand in a positive light, at least the brand will be widely known.
Prior to seeing this commercial however, I was well aware of the Orangina brand and thought only positive thoughts about it. This commercial has definitely negatively impacted my image of the Orangina brand. The drink which I had once perceived as a fresh, tasty, high-end, and exotic, foreign soda – has now been diminished to a mountain lion’s after shave tool.
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