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“Jellicle CATS!”

November 29th, 2010 by Catherine Hsu

If you’re like me, you absolutely loveee Broadway shows. The amazing music, the acting, the show lights, the combination of all three – your heart seems to burst in to song. Well, at the ripe young age of 5, I witnessed my first broadway musical: Andrew Lloyd Weber’s production of CATS. Ohhhh boy, as I type this post, “Memories” is playing over and over in my head.

Anyways, as I was cruising the web, I came across some advertisements for this musical which brought a smile to my face. The Swedish Opera company “Goteborgs Operan” printed these posters to promote the broadway musical some years ago:

Now wait a minute, THOSE AREN’T CATS!

Exactly. This advertisement is truly ingenious in a number of ways. It utilizes the age-old dilemma of “Cats or Dogs”. Are you a “Cat” or a “Dog” Person? If prompted, I would respond “dog”- despite the fact that my name starts with “Cat” (ha ha ha..). But as the proud owner of a miniature schnauzer (oh fancy that, she looks a lot like the first photo posted here!), and a Black Lab – I have been fully converted.

BUT even I, a self-proclaimed dog lover, have got to say, that these ads do one up the dog team in several ways. By printing large images of dogs on these ads with the big, bold, lettered word “CATS” on the bottom, my mind feels as if it is playing tricks on me. The juxtaposition of the prominent image and text in this ad are enough to catch the eye of any person. As well, a humorous element is added, when these would-be cute, little dogs which are featured on the ads are characterized as vicious, snarling, mangy, mutts! The CATS logo following the negatively-characterized image of a dog is a prominent and outstanding reminder of why CATS “are better” and why you should therefore, go watch this musical.

However, in defense for dogs all over the world, I can say through personal experience, that not all dogs are as scary as those printed on the above ads.

My Schnauzer doesn’t look like that all the time, and here’s the proof:

I apologize if this scarred anyone.

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