Catherine Hsu – 1 dictionary result
ca·the·rin·e hsu
[KATH-ryn shoo]
– noun
A 19 year old female girl who is currently studying at the Sauder school of business in the best city in the world (no joke – it’s been proven, go here: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20051004/EIUcitysurvey_vancouverfirst_200501004/)
Started this blog for marketing class purposes – may continue to expand in the near future depending on availability of time and her general mood.
In her spare time, she thoroughly enjoys playing volleyball, music, watching TV, Yoga, and painting and drawing.
Currently, slightly annoyed at ubcblog’s limitations on theme choices (anyone know a way to customize this? or am i missing something?)
Vancouver, British Columbia. Literally
Stay tuned!