Re: Location Matters!

One would never assume that something so insignificant such as the location would actually be one of the main factors of success for a company.  At least, it never occurred to me that it would.  However, after reading Taylor’s blog post about Aritzia’s tactical location, it becomes obvious that it is in fact essential.

Reflecting on my hometown, most successful running businesses are located in the heart of downtown, among popular shopping strips, or within large malls.  All of which are located on busy avenues, considered “good neighborhoods”.  Conversely, there have been neighborhood businesses opened on smaller side streets that have re-opened about 5 times in the past few years.  It is safe to assume that the side street location has not exactly been benefiting the aspiring companies. Once again, proving that location is a key element in the longevity of a business.

Strategically deduced by Aritizia, they were able to cater towards two different markets, gaining a larger consumer base compared to a business located solely in the “Upper Fifth” or “Lower Fifth”.  Without sacrificing “high fashion” clients to “fast fashion” customers, Aritizia was able to maintain the loyalty of both while increasing total revenue simply by relocating.


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