
Our group is currently comprised of members of the Pathways to Prosperity Canada Standing Committee on Student and Junior Scholar Engagement:

Dr. Karun Karki

Dr. Karki (Assistant Professor, Social Work and Human Services, University of the Fraser Valley) explores sense of belonging among racialized diasporas and minoritized communities.

Dr. Takhmina Shokirova

Dr. Shokirova (Assistant Professor, Social Work, University of Regina) researches gender relations in the context of transnational mobility.

Negar Valizadeh

Negar (PhD Candidate, Geography, University of Ottawa) focuses on the social significance of housing for immigrants and their integration processes.

Dr. Lisa Ruth Brunner

Lisa (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Migration Studies, University of British Columbia) researches international migration and education, especially regarding migration governance, citizenship, and ‘integration’ in the Global North and settler-colonial contexts.

Capucine Coustere

Capucine (PhD Candidate, Sociology, Université Laval) studies how the pandemic and migration reform impact temporary residents in Quebec.

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