I felt a lot of fear yesterday during our exploration of Kampala City. Fear comes in many different forms, I think, and is sourced from different things. Perhaps how I process this experience of fear depends on how I decide to frame it in my written reflections and conversations with my colleagues. I really wanted […]

I am officially done PACKING… and am leaving Vancouver in one calendar day, bound for Uganda! It’s been interesting to personally document how I felt at each stage of the countdown… but now that the date draws nearer and nearer, I fear I don’t have enough time to sort out all the things I need […]

The world turns

Posted by: | May 4, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Hold structure, don’t let life pass, let yourself be free. Cause your much more ——– Last night as I was packing I felt waves of anxiety overcome the bubble of excitement that I’ve been living in for the past few weeks. Suddenly, it really, really, hit me: that I’ll be going away to another country […]

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