My eyes are drawn to

the pile of CD’s, Surround by Jon Bauer/ Passion Awakening Concert/ Reconnect Me (talk by a youth pastor) and books of short essays, On Friendship by Montaigne/ The Wars by Timothy Findley,
the order in which they’re stacked is a bitter reflection of what importance they hold in my life.
though the fact that they are anywhere on my desk at all should be
an indication/proof?/meaning/ a reminder
that I am who I am because I’ve lived through all those phases;

a corner in my room where a pile of what looks like junk sits, since August 17
They are a collection of fresh batteries, travel- sized floss, pencils and pens, small ziploc bags even, select postcards,
my emergency things when I was abroad, in Africa, Europe, in the air flying between places
Now, they are objects useless in relation to what sorts of things I need now.
Which are: books, ipod and its charger, blackberry and its charger, box of makeup, plate of jewelry, ID’s, usb’s, my agenda, post-it notes,
so all these things, along with the assignments already accumulating from the start of this school term, September 8, have pushed almost everything
related to Africa and my experience there
aside. Life is much more fast- paced here.
To which my best friend laughed at, she who started her new life in New York; her life even more speeding.
She misses the Vancouver pace, which I also appreciate as the perfect rhythm compared to cities around the world. But, I crave the reality and earthliness of the village. The sounds (or lack thereof) and the stars, and the backdrop of fiery sunsets;

my textbook on cultural psychology,
which is teaching me how it is that researchers study
the interactions which I’ve experienced this past summer.
It’s tedious, reading the operationalized concepts reiterated over and over and over again.
I miss just doing;

the countless sweaters on my floor: seven.
six scarves, four pairs of legwarmers;
I love this season because these are my favourite wardrobe items;

my computer screen, which has been the center of my attention
ever since I got back from Africa
which is kind of pathetic.
I set time apart so that I get back in touch through words (reading, writing)
what would I do without literature? It’s shaped who I am.
I am currently reading: Alias Grace (Atwood), An Imperfect Offering (Orbinski), A Complicated Kindness (Toew), The Black Book (Pamuk), somehow all at once. It depends on what mood I’m in.
Too bad I’ve only been reading Personality perspectives, Abnormal Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Guide to International Development, lately. #lifeofastudent
Also,ebooks are pathetic;

that it is 2:01am
my internet is at four bars.
apparently these are important things to know.


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