
Posted by: | October 7, 2011 | Leave a Comment

alarm buzzing
water running
toothbrush brushing
bag zipper
espresso maker
keys turning in the lock
doors opening
the whooosh of the breeze greeting me
shoes clicking
ipod blasting
or crooning, depends on what mood i wake up in
sipping coffee
texting clicking
busses whirring
children yelling
parents chattering
stores bustling
cuckoo of the pedestrian light
conversations overheard
clock tower clanging
trees and birds whistling
more conversations
rush of students in and out of class
professor lecturing
silence, library
wandering thoughts
more texting
bus sounds
street sounds
greeting my students; vice versa
teach teach teach
traffic sounds (at night they are softer)
bus sounds
ipod softly singing
deep breaths
sniffing, i must be getting sick
thoughts, recounting my day

all these sounds fill my day, sometimes too overwhelming that I’d rather write it off as static
but at night, when it’s dark and i’m cozy and settled in my sleepclothes
I do like to tease them apart
seeking comfort in reflection


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