teaching tidbits

Posted by: | July 30, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Teaching is about the dynamic: every mood, focus, and student’s motivation. I am tested on my patience every single day. My triggers are: students acting out, not taking their work seriously, constant disruptions, a tedious slow-progressing day, sleepiness. But peace is: seeing students adopt good work habits, respectful attitudes towards others, and confidence in their own ability to do well. Thinking about the positive outcomes allows me to stay constant and maintain as unaffected as I can be by the negative moments in my teaching day.


Outgoing students are easily distracted by external stimuli—that is more controllable and measurable than students who are extremely passive in their learning. Shy students tend to be distracted inside, as if they withdraw (e.g. daydream, are distracted, etc.).


When a student cheats, he gets a big ZERO in my book because even if he got 100% on that particular assignment, it means nothing.


Teaching is repetitive, structured like any other job, but it has more outcome. To me, it is very satisfying. It requires me to serve as guidance, practice humility, patience, love, and support, and requires me to be the best person I can be, to model good citizenship and good work habits for my students. I am too often tempted to give up at times, but I keep teaching as a form of investment in their futures, because I believe it makes a difference.


However distraught I am, tired or distracted, I stay strong. I have been sleeping early, eating healthy, and being the best me I can be, so that I am a happy, witty, encouraging teacher for my daily classes.


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