For the past four nights I have been sleeping only a little, staying up late completing assignments and preparation. Two nights ago I was up for hours laying awake in bed planning on how to assess and differentiate teaching to my practicum students. I could not let my mind stop thinking about how to plan for my class! Last night I stayed up late peer- editing papers for two of my classmates who are fellow teacher candidates at my practicum school. It was a laborious task but it was quite worth it to get feedback from them on my paper. I really value team work.

One of the things I was most looking forward to in the UBC Teacher Education Program was that I would meet like- minded individuals who are as passionate about teaching as I am. In our last inquiry seminars today and last week, we engaged in mini- professional development sessions where we were the experts of our research topics. Since September we have been positioning ourselves as educators, deconstructing how we come to know and understand what good teaching is. We each guided our research with an inquiry question. In both of these sessions I learned so much about the kinds of teachers we are, and why it is so. I learned about a range of educational issues, such as the design of school spaces, the potential of having class pets, the importance of technology, the gender gap and why, student voice, differentiation, etc… The conversations that we had with each other was informative and so meaningful!

My inquiry: What is the role of technology to facilitate literacy learning for students in the 21st century?

Today three teams of our classmates participated in UBC Storm the Wall. Throughout the year we have attended several events, and it always blows me away how much team spirit we have. It is great to be friends with thoughtful thinkers and caring teachers. I am excited for everyone as we all start our certification practicum next week. It will be strange to be off campus after tomorrow’s last lecture. But, I think we are all ready to make the shift to our professional teacher self– here we come, students!


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