a beautiful day

Posted by: | April 13, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Since I got back from Uganda, my team and I have been working together to fundraise money to send back to Busolwe, Uganda, to continue the kindergarten project that we started there. Today, the school is a registered primary school, and offers five different grades including our original Kindergarten. It is called Mango Grove School. […]

global community

Posted by: | March 15, 2012 | Leave a Comment

One of the 15 5-year-old kids we enrolled in our Busolwe summer Kindergarten trial classes recently died. He was too weak to fight off some kind of virus because he already had severe anemia and was quite malnourished. We found out through a phone call to the village confirming the progress of the community projects, […]

note: development

Posted by: | February 25, 2012 | Leave a Comment

Browsed through a blog of the UBC students who have replaced us in Busolwe this term, and I realize that she is experiencing a lot of the same things I did. She is faced with the same disappointments and struggles as I was, even though each of us left behind a report outlining all the […]

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