moments, freely

Posted by: | February 5, 2012 | Leave a Comment

    We drove into the heart of Kampala on the last night, and ended up in this little gymnasium sized club with a fountain right by the entrance. The stairs leading up into the party was nothing fancy, just a few wooden stairs; the ticket man saw that we were mzungu and waved us in […]


Posted by: | October 26, 2011 | Leave a Comment

It is when staring off into space that I feel most connected with myself. On the bus, I do this. It is as if my mind is thinking on another dimension, and in the moment that I slow down and just sit and listen to myself, I realize how focused I have been on the […]

My eyes are drawn to the pile of CD’s, Surround by Jon Bauer/ Passion Awakening Concert/ Reconnect Me (talk by a youth pastor) and books of short essays, On Friendship by Montaigne/ The Wars by Timothy Findley, the order in which they’re stacked is a bitter reflection of what importance they hold in my life. […]

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