“Twitter Opens Pre-Roll Video Ad Marketplace”



SUMMARY: Twitter introduces its new feature Thursday that enables marketers to place pre-roll advertisements as long as 6 seconds before videos that are professionally produced. Publishers are able to upload and post content through the new feature of Twitter’s video and collect revenue as soon as ads are automatically placed before it. As an agreement, Twitter takes 30% of the revenue generated from the ads and the content producer earns the 70%.

COMMENTS: Twitter’s new feature is very much like Youtube. As a youtube user for years, I have noticed the increase of the quality of advertisements and the frequency of ad occurence during videos as well. Youtube has done a good job on the ads because it certainly grabs a lot of attention from users. However most ads enable users to skip them after 3 seconds, and Twitter extends it to 6 seconds. Although this is a very smart way to generate revenue by cooperating with marketers, it may cause complaints from Twitter users.

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