The smartphone industry has been leading the cellphone industry since the development of iPhone. Yesterday when I went to Apple store to fix my little brother’s iPhone, I had a talk with one of the specialist about some of the iPhone functions that I was not sure about. He suggested me to update my computer, restore my data in iCloud regularly, secure this, secure that, organize files, photos, purchase an external drive, update my account etc. I was so overwhelmed by all the information I needed to be concerned about with a single phone, or a single laptop.
Back a few years ago, nothing was this complicated because the technology was at a much slower pace. Linking back to the presentation we heard last class from Modern Craft, there are updates happening every minute, and the online world is growing at an unbelievable and uncontrollable level. This really frightens me because this massive data might eventually crash one day in the future, and security will be a very huge issue to everybody who is involved in online activities. Everything has its good and bad side, so on one hand, we are enjoying this what we have imagined to be a miracle 10 years ago, but on the other hand, there is the fear of what is going to be like in another 10 years from now?