The photo below is from September 17, 2019, when Sky and I gave a high-5 after our first day at Monarch School. This school is the brainchild of a teacher named Sandra McBrayer, who recognized that youth experiencing homelessness should not be expected to infiltrate into standard school environments. (As a simple and tangible example, where are they meant to store textbooks or do homework?)
Sky had spent time in the classroom before, at UBC, but this environment was different for her. There was more chaos between classes as kids came and went. The building was big, and she didn’t know anyone but me.
This day was the first day that I truly appreciated Sky’s gift at reading the room. She would calmly sidle up to someone and plop down on the floor. Pretty soon, she’d made a new friend.
As the year progressed, the depth of Sky’s friend circle grew. Pretty soon, students were asking if they could take Sky on walks around the school (yes.) She was solid, calm, and caring.
In October, a student joined us who didn’t talk to us. He came into the classroom with his hoodie pulled tight over his head. He slumped in his chair. He refused to participate and claimed he didn’t like dogs. He has a personal story worthy of a movie. I watched Sky inch her way closer over the following weeks. Never in his space, but close enough to provide presence. Pretty soon, he began seeking her out and petting her. This particular student became a complete joy within a short period of time – he became an engaged, excited student – and Sky became his sidekick. By the time we dispersed with COVID hit in March, they were fast friends.
(I want this post to be a tribute to Sky, but the reality of this experience is bigger than our influence. For personal reasons, this particular student did not finish the year with us, and I think of him often. I hope he is safe.)
Sky’s experience at Monarch last year will probably be her last formal work. She’s 10 years old, so happy retirement to the best dog ever.