Category Archives: Select Teaching Publications

Thoughts on teaching (including case studies)

Leander, C., 2018. Questions and Beginning Students. The Teaching Professor, June, 2018.

Leander, C., Kalas, P. , 2017. One Whale or Two or…?, National Center for Case Study
Teaching in Science

Leander, C. 2015. The Last Spruce Grove. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science.

Dryden, N., Leander, C., Maclean, M., Martinez, D., Waltham, C., Hiroko. 2011. Are We Doing Any Good? A Value-Added Analysis of University of British Columbia’s Science One Program, Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Leander, C. and J. Whitton, 2010. Bling my Research! American Biology Teacher, 72: 308-310.

Waltham, C., A. Kotlicki, G. Bates, and C. Leander, 2008. Canada’s National Grade 10 Science Contest: The Michael Smith Science Challenge. Physics Competitions, 10: 16-23.

Leander, C. and R. Huskey, 2008. Those Old Kentucky Blues. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science.