2014 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice – “I Am Who You Are”

Join us on 30 January for the 2014 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice, being given by Bonnie Sherr Klein.

Bonnie Sherr Klein is a documentary filmmaker and long-time activist in the feminist and disability movements. In this lecture she shares her lived experience of disability as documented in her journal entries and film. She points out that disability inevitably touches us all, and proposes that human rights for people living with disabilities is not `merely’ a justice issue but an opportunity for all of us to be our most human.

The one-hour lecture will be followed by a reception. Please RSVP to eventassistant@law.ubc.ca.

Date: Thursday, 30 January 2014
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: UBC Allard Hall (1822 East Mall), Room 104

Click here to view the event poster (pdf).

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