Posted by: | 17th Oct, 2010

Think Different!!!

When the word “computer’ pops in my mind, I automatically divide  this term as two categories, PC and Mac. However, is there really a functional difference between these two? The answer will be no for most of people. But what makes Mac a “different” product out of its original category, I believe it is because Mac did a great job in branding itself with an strong idea of “Think Different”.

This one is the  “Think different” campaign of Macbook. And it is considering as a very successful and impacting ad, since it establish a good metaphor for the consumer and reach the purpose of being unique. In this ad, the designer used a very classical Einstein’s thinking face in a black and white graph, and there is a slogan “think different” with a colorful bitten apple logo in the right top. The interesting thing is there are no features about the Macbook, the reason is it gives the consumers a metaphor about Einstein and the Mac. As we know, Einstein is one of the most outstanding scientists and inventor in the last century. He is a symbol of creation and innovation. In the Mac’s think different series, they defined Einstein as “crazy one” who can see things different and not restrict by the rules. These crazy people “change things, push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do” (Cruikshank 123). By combining all these information, this ad successfully form a metaphor that Mac is the Einstein in computers. The slogan “think different” gives the Mac an identity that by using this computer, you are free to think different from others and change the world as Einstein did. Consequently, this campaign makes the Mac products stand out from their competitors and embody the meanings of Apple brand. It makes the Apple become unique and firmly established a collective understanding among consumers.


Cruikshank Jeffery L. “Keep Your Cool”  The Apple Way. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.

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