Software Efficiency or Corporate Difficiency?


Fueled by increasingly complex and virtual projects and tightened budgets, today’s Business environment demands a more efficient way to manage communication and workflow. Collaboration is central to project management and having an efficient platform which allows project artifacts to be created, shared and distributed quickly and accessibly greatly enhances productivity.

With the recent launch of Windows 8, many new business CTO are switching to this new platform that dominates the software scene of both new PCs and new tablets.

“Windows 8 is just plain faster than Windows 7,” he says, “that’s true even on old machines and with old software.”  (He asked not to be identified because his employer hasn’t authorized him to speak about his company’s technology strategy.)

In his tests, he said apps ran “15%-20%” faster on Windows 8 over Windows 7. “That’s a noticeable difference.”
In his case however, he is deciding the switch over 4000 systems in his company over to the new Windows 9 system, which really leads one to wonder, is it really worth it the cost? For the same amount of spending, the company may keep their existing Windows 7 platforms and invest it elsewhere. Is his opportunity cost too high? Or does is that none of his concern?

28. October 2012 by Charlie Shi
Categories: Commerce 101 - Introduction to Business | Leave a comment

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