Welcome CHEQ Administrator!
The Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (CHEQ) is…
The CHEQ is an innovative way to capture and report on children’s experiences in their early environments. The CHEQ includes questions about children’s experiences prior to kindergarten, such as their interactions with others, activities at home and in the community, and access to and use of community resources and services. The information collected helps educators and community partners better understand the early experiences of children and families in the school and community.
To hear what school districts and early years partners are saying about the CHEQ, watch this video.
To view a copy of the CHEQ Questionnaire, click here.
CHEQ and HELP's Child Development Monitoring System
The CHEQ was developed as a companion survey to the Early Development Instrument (EDI) to provide more context for EDI vulnerabilities. The information schools and communities receive about children's skills and competencies on the EDI relates to the amount of experience in key areas reported on the CHEQ. Data from these tools help provide a more robust understanding of how to support families before children begin kindergarten. The CHEQ is also an opportunity to capture the parent or caregiver perspective about their child's experiences as the EDI is completed by teachers and the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is completed by students.
Used together, our series of coherent population health data collection questionnaires provide longitudinal data about child development outcomes and contextual factors that influence these outcomes. This monitoring system is an essential foundation for informed policy and program decision-making, and for high-quality research.
Childhood Experiences Questionnaire: 2016-2022
We have collected over 28,000 CHEQs across 44 school districts to date.
The following school districts have been involved in the CHEQ project in BC:
- SD5 Southeast Kootenay
- SD6 Rocky Mountain
- SD8 Kootenay Lake
- SD10 Arrow Lakes
- SD19 Revelstoke
- SD22 Vernon
- SD28 Quesnel
- SD33 Chilliwack
- SD35 Langley
- SD36 Surrey
- SD38 Richmond
- SD39 Vancouver
- SD41 Burnaby
- SD43 Coquitlam
- SD45 West Vancouver
- SD47 Powell River
- SD50 Haida Gwaii
- SD52 Prince Rupert
- SD53 Okanagan Similkameen
- SD61 Greater Victoria
- SD67 Okanagan Skaha
- SD70 Pacific Rim
- SD71 Comox Valley
- SD72 Campbell River
- SD73 Kamloops/Thompson
- SD75 Mission
- SD79 Cowichan Valley
- SD83 North Okanagan Shuswap
- SD84 Vancouver Island West
- SD91 Nechako Lakes
How are CHEQ data being used?
Information collected using the CHEQ is instantly summarized into individual, classroom, and school-level reports. These reports provide principals and teachers with detailed overviews of their new group of kindergarten students. This information provides insight into the specific needs of each class and informs planning for the school year.
Information is also summarized at the district and neighbourhood levels and builds on HELP’s history of sharing data with community stakeholders in an effort to help create the conditions that most effectively support families. District and neighbourhood reports highlight gaps in experiences children need in order to be ready for kindergarten, and can assist stakeholders in making evidence-based decisions to improve programming and services to address these areas.
The CHEQ can be used in schools and districts to:
- Plan for the school year
- Determine school programming needs
- Better understand individual children’s needs
The CHEQ can be used in your community to:
- Provide targeted supports and services to children and their families
- Make decisions about programming and services that families want and need
- Understand barriers to accessing community health services, recreation activities, and childcare
Government can use CHEQ data to:
- Plan early childhood investment, policy and program development, and evaluation
Researchers use CHEQ data to:
- Address important questions and drive research to help uncover more knowledge about the genetic, biological, and social determinants of children's health, well-being, and development. Their research, in turn, helps to inform policy and program development.
How is information protected?
The Human Early Learning Partnership has strong measures in place and follows all rules, agreements, practices, and legislation for safeguarding data.
Learn more about HELP’s data protection by clicking here.
If you have any questions at all, please contact the CHEQ team at cheq@help.ubc.ca.