Unit 2 – Creating a LinkedIn Profile and Beginning the Formal Report

This unit was very eventful. I have never created a LinkedIn profile before because I did not feel the immediate need to and was worried about creating an unprofessional profile. Through this unit, I had the opportunity to research best practices on LinkedIn. It was a new experience for myself and I felt confident with creating a professional profile because I had the opportunity to be evaluated by my peers and I also had the opportunity to observe other classmates’ profiles. When reviewing my partner’s profile, it was also a new experience as I have not peer reviewed a network profile before and it was also my first time paying close attention to formatting and job titles. 

The process of brainstorming and preparing for my report proposal was slightly difficult. I understand that the report should be related to personal experience, however, most of my work or volunteer experience has been related to children. Therefore, I struggled to balance the confidentiality of the clients’ information and to propose a solution that I am passionate about. Furthermore, as I continued to prepare the report, I became hesitant to change a topic as most of my peers have started on their report and I was worried about not having enough time to complete my report. Currently, I have been given feedback from my instructor about survey and interview questions that are too personal and could cause an issue on confidentiality. I plan to revise my questions in hopes that it would not cause an issue on confidentiality. Once I have revised my questions, I will conduct an interview and a few surveys and propose my solutions to Ms. Pun. 

For this unit, I had peer reviewed Amy Yung’s report proposal. I have learned to consider the implications and clearly state it in my report. I noticed that Amy’s report proposal  mentioned the issue and importance of this issue in almost every paragraph. However, in my report proposal it was unclear of my report’s impact and the importance of this issue. Although I understood the importance of the issue, readers may be unfamiliar with my job, therefore, when working on my report, I should always clearly state my impact and importance. Peer reviewing my teammate’s work has impacted my writing as I often remind myself to write from a person without the same knowledge so I would not neglect information such as the impact and importance of my work. 

Revised report proposal: 301_Cheryl_Chao_Report_Proposal_Revised

Peer review of report proposal: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2019wa/2019/10/16/peer-review-of-formal-report-proposal-improving-data-collection-accuracy-at-fairview-behavior-consulting-inc/

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