Posted by: | 15th Sep, 2010

Enbridge simply doesn’t care

Enbridge Inc. recently spilled 19 500 barrels of oil into a Michigan river, and this incident could certainly have been avoided. The company was aware of hundreds of potential problem-spots in the particular oil line that burst, but it only took proactive action to maintain the line on a few of these spots.

For the full article, follow this link:

I also encourage you to check out Enbridge’s corporate overview off of their site:

I’d like to talk a bit about the ethics of Enbridge and maybe why they allowed this to happen. This company is based in Calgary, and let’s assume that the company executives would feel some sort of responsibility not to contaminate Albertan rivers with oil. It is their home province, after all. But I doubt they would feel as strongly with regards to the US. I would suggest that this lack of a sense of responsibility might be one factor why they did not repair the pipeline. If it’s cheaper to let it rot and just patch it up every time there’s a leak, and it’s far from your back yard, why not? Maybe ethics is dependant on location.

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