Re:Why Are So Many Athletes Promoting Junk Food? By Ali Jatoi

Ali Jatoi shines a light on Athletes promoting unhealthy food or rather “junk food”. Ali Jatoi definitely provides some insightful points about athletes and celebrities misusing their popular status to earn extra money. Shouldn’t they use their fame for good instead of evil? And is it entirely they fault?

Firstly, I would like to address the actual impact an athlete have on children. We can all imagine a typical 10 year old going nuts about a famous athlete who performs outstandingly in their area of sports. Lets say this athlete then gets caught using illegal drugs. According to Dr. Alan Kazdin, professor of psychology and child psychiatry at Yale and director of the Yale Parenting Center, he states that most young kids will “forget” the athlete or choose a new “role model”. Sure they will be disappointed but it would not have any scaring cultural impact. This however is the extreme case but it highlights the soft impact celebrities and athletes have on children. Adding on to this, shouldn’t parents monitor what children consume rather than just pointing fingers and blaming others?

Finally, I think we are simply focusing on the negative things celebrities do. There are numerous philanthropy acts that they promote. More can be found at

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