Week2: What I did Right


Date In Date Out Initial Position Offset Position Price In Price Out Gain
2012-09-26 2012-09-28 Long Short $881.25 $912.25 $1550

As I mentioned on last week’s blog, I took the long position in 2013 March wheat for this week’s trading. I predicted that wheat price would increase during that non-harvesting period because Russia, one of the main exporters of wheat, has been suffering from drought. The president of the Russian Grain Union announced that only half amount of the last year’s export, which is about18-20 million tons, would be exported. Severe dry weather lowers wheat production in Russia as well as in USA. It was also predicted that wheat harvest outputs would shrink in Australia. This week’s trading did go well as I expected it to be; I gained $1550. Honestly, I was going to do offset earlier because wheat price had decreased for first several days of this week. Wheat future price fell due to forecast for rain that will boost the winter wheat production. But, wheat price dramatically went up as soon as after USDA released the report that stockpiles of corn and wheat will shrink due to drought. Therefore, I did offset my long wheat position on Friday, the day the report was released, and trading was successfully done with large gains.

4 thoughts on “Week2: What I did Right

    • Hi, Laura!
      Fortunately, I got $1550 !!! Yay!!
      I was so excited about that 🙂
      I hope I will be able to get some money this following week too!

  1. good job! I think it is a good idea to stay away from wheat and corn within few days since prices are fluctuating on a relatively high level. I ma waiting for good news of next year and short on wheat and corn.

    • Hi Tai,
      Thank you for comment 🙂
      Actually I am in long position in 2012 December and 2013 March
      wheat. I thought that both prices would go up because stockpiles were less available than excess demand. But, this week, wheat prices fluctuated so much,,,
      Anyway, thank you and have a happy thanksgiving 🙂

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