Blog Post #3-Brainstorming and Proposed Schedule

As our project jumped into full swing, we developed a few techniques to help us choose one idea over another and efficiently work together while brainstorming.


Prior to starting our project we were given preliminary data sets and information as well as a flow chart of the present bin placement system in Vancouver. We figured that the best way for us to create a better system was to modify or even change the existing one. To do this we split up our flow chart into four different categories: Commercial, Residential, Parks/Beaches and Downtown.

To best make use of our time we split up the categories amongst all of us. Two people were assigned one category and then everyone helped create the flowchart for downtown (because it was the biggest/most complicated area). This way everyone focused on one aspect and put a lot of detail into specific rules and regulations for their own part.

While creating our flow chart, a lot of different factors had to be taken into account. Some of the major components we looked into were: bus stops, benches, fast food restaurants and streets with a lot of development. While brainstorming different scenarios it was interesting to see how much thought actually goes into planning these sorts of things.

Here is a look into our thought process for the Residential sector:




Here is our proposed schedule for the completion of our project:

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