Assignment 1:5

The alpha predators of each habitat, from all over the globe, gathered together in one place to determine who was the top predator of the world. To win, and become the alpha predator of the world, the species would need to frighten off the other predators, until they were the last ones there.

The wolves surrounded the others, growling, bearing their teeth, and barking.

The tigers growled and presented their sharp teeth.

The polar bears stood on their hind legs, showing their size and claws while they growled.

The cheetahs ran through the brush and around the others in the blink of an eye.

The crocodiles snaked along the rivers and snapped their jaws shut, created splashes.

Each act was frightening. Each species shuddered along to the performances, but remained rigid in their belief that they were the superior predator.

Now, it was the humans turn. The other species glanced around at the others, trying not to erupt in laughter. There was nothing scary about the humans; they weren’t large in size, they didn’t have claws or sharp teeth, and they couldn’t run faster than the others.

One human stepped forward and began to speak. The other animals gathered closer to listen.

The story the human told was an awful thing full of fear and slaughter, disease and blood. A story of murderous mischief. And when the telling was done, the other animals quickly agreed that the humans had won.

“Okay you win,” they said, “but what you said just now – it isn’t so funny. It doesn’t sound so good. We are doing okay without it. We can get along without that kind of thing. Take it back. Call that story back.”

But, of course, it was too late. For once a story is told, it cannot be called back. Once told, it is loose in the world.


I chose to change the witches to predator animal species because I think it would be very fitting if each alpha predator type were competing to see which species is the ultimate alpha. I think it relates more to childrens stories and would be an interesting change. However, I do not think that animals are evil in any sense of the matter, only humans, which is why I decided to change the story so that the humans invent and bring evil into the world. This is also a play on what humans are knowingly doing to the earth and the animal’s habitats.

Through the telling of this story, I have learned that even after writing and memorizing the story, the details change depending on who I’m telling it to. Maybe I’ll include more animals and more descriptions of their frightful presentations, maybe I’ll focus more on what the human’s story involved and how the other species reacted. I learned that as a storyteller, you cater the story’s details to the audience.

2 thoughts on “Assignment 1:5

  1. Hi Claire,

    You took an interesting take on the story of how evil came into the world, and I think your re-establishment of the witches as animals was a clever idea! Your reasons for why you chose animals in comparison with humans really resonated with me since, as you explained, the level of destruction and harm we are causing to species and ecosystems is a perfect example of what “evil” entails. I touched on the aspect of religion and biblical stories in my other comment, but I was wondering if you find that these stories have an impact on your perception of humanity and life in general? The reason I ask this is that our discussions on how prominent stories are in our lives, even if we don’t realize it, had me thinking about stories from different religions and their effect on both religious and non-religious people. The notion of how evil came into the world is a clever way of phrasing it because some believe it was the fall of Adam and Eve, while others think it’s just a part of who we are. I know it’s a very open-ended question, but do you have a particular stance on this?

    • As a Christian, I have a particular stance on which creation of evil story I believe in. However, I think each individual story you hear through your life shapes your perception and behaviours in the world, so I do think people from different religions/cultures have a different understanding of life in general, and that stories are extremely impactful.

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