Cognitive Theory Concept Map


This concept map is intended to be an aid for making connections and learning the Cognitive Theories.  We encourage you to print it, take out connections and make other connections as you see fit for your understanding of the theories.




11 thoughts on “Cognitive Theory Concept Map

  1. Incredible concept map! Really helped me make some connections I didn’t see before. I guess maybe Ausubel was onto something!

    • Thanks Danielle,
      It was a real toss-up between going for the bigger picture items and making all the connections when I put together this map. As you can see I went for the connections and used it as a learning tool for myself as well. I’m glad it’s helped you too.

  2. Great job! I see a lot of connections that help me understand the cognitive theories better. Their interconnectiveness is represented well. Concepts map are a great tool for seeing relationships.


  3. This really helped me see some links that were not evident before. The retention of information into long term memory is reliant on factors such as rehearsing, coding, storing, etc. but this is connected to not only self, but social context as well. Interesting that you didn’t link them in the concept map.

    • Thanks for the kind words, Helen. In response to your question, I did link retention to cognitive organization, rehearsing, coding and storing in the Social Cognitive Theory part of the map, but I’m not clear on how you’d make the social context of it more explicit. In my understanding, the social context is implied by the necessity of vicarious learning requiring modelling–itself a social context. I’m curious and eager to see where you see it fitting in.

  4. Wow, superb concept map! To me, a concept map really gives a better picture of how these theories ‘work’ than just reading text about them.

    Marie-Hélène (May)

    • Thanks, May.
      As I was making my way through the readings, I found myself unconsciously building a concept map in my head and at times making it explicit on paper. I needed to “see” the connections in order to make them in my head. You can imagine how amused I was when I got to the section on Assimilation Learning Theory! At that point, I thought it would be a valuable tool for others to have as they worked their way through the theories too.

  5. This is a very well done map! You are very skilled at doing this! I will have to come back though to make sure I get everything. It is a great idea to have included it into your great presentation. I really enjoyed it so far. ;o)


      • I was trying to print it but it doesn’t work for me. Something about the format; I only get a part of the map. How can I have all of it? I have tried different things but it did not work so far.

        Thanks in advance for your help.


  6. What a detailed concept map. I gained a bit more insight on the Assimilated Learning Theory by looking at your connections. There is something to be said about sharing of ideas. Thanks,

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