
  • Final exam grades are posted on Connect  – I was EXTREMELY generous with the grading on this exam (resulting in an above the curve average) and gave you all a lot of extra points here.  I will not be entertaining a lot of dispute around exam or participation points given the above.  If you wish to do so, I will have the TAs do a remark and your grade is as likely to go up as down.  Participation was as recorded over the term as outlined in the course syllabus.
  • Research credits: all grades have now been posted  since 12/20 – to dispute, you must include your name, student number and studies in an email to to copying me (with a screen shot of your study, if possible) by 12/30.  After that, grades posted to the SSC are final.
  • Several students have emailed me on my personal, home email address regarding their grades.  This is not professional business behaviour.