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  • ewilliamson 7:45 pm on December 27, 2013 Permalink | Reply  


    • Final exam grades are posted on Connect  – I was EXTREMELY generous with the grading on this exam (resulting in an above the curve average) and gave you all a lot of extra points here.  I will not be entertaining a lot of dispute around exam or participation points given the above.  If you wish to do so, I will have the TAs do a remark and your grade is as likely to go up as down.  Participation was as recorded over the term as outlined in the course syllabus.
    • Research credits: all grades have now been posted  since 12/20 – to dispute, you must include your name, student number and studies in an email to to kirkkrisotfferson@gmail.com copying me (with a screen shot of your study, if possible) by 12/30.  After that, grades posted to the SSC are final.
    • Several students have emailed me on my personal, home email address regarding their grades.  This is not professional business behaviour.
  • ewilliamson 4:57 pm on December 15, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Final Exam pre-test 

    There’s a final exam pre-test/check posted on Connect.  It’s a good idea to do this test to confirm your laptop is working properly.  Left hand side of the Connect menu.



  • ewilliamson 11:03 am on December 13, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Virtual Office hours 

    Sunday Dec 15 6 -7 (rescheduled due to Connect technical issues)

    Monday Dec. 16 11:00 – 12:00

  • ewilliamson 10:58 am on December 13, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Final exam 

    • online exam – you must bring your laptop or sign one out from Learning Technologies
    • non-cumulative (from mid-term on although you will be expected, of course, to be able to use vocabulary e.g., target market, positioning, 1st mover, etc.)
    • includes all readings on course outline, in-class discussions, posted slides, additional clarification documents
    • 50 multiple choice questions, 20 marks short answer
    • break even calculations – similar to examples in class slides & posted sample final exam questions
    • you MUST bring a calculator!!  You will NOT be allowed to use the calculator on your laptop
  • ewilliamson 6:22 pm on December 1, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Due dates – reminder 

    Mon. Dec 2 (no change) 8:00  – iPEER

    Mon Dec 2 (no change) – section 103 – final blog post – reflection on marketing project

    Tues Dec 3 5:00 (1 extra day due to generous extension of 1 extra day for video project 🙂 PEER VIDEO REVIEW

    Fri Dec 6  (no change) – section 107 – final blog post – reflection on marketing project including reflection on PEER feedback received by Wed Dec 5 –


  • ewilliamson 5:51 pm on November 27, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Final Exam location change 

    Please note that the final exam location has been changed to:

    HA 491 – Section 103

    HA 492 – Section 107

  • ewilliamson 7:21 am on November 26, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Digital Media Lab video: Saving your files and accessing your protected folder 

    The Digital Media Lab team has prepared this video to help you deal with saving files.




    YouTube Preview Image





  • ewilliamson 4:33 pm on November 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Assignment 4 – Final Blog post 

    Your final blog post is a reflective post of your experience working on the Marketing Plan assignment.  I’d like you to consider and write about the whole project, what you learned, where you were inspired and excited, where you stumbled and had to work through issues to learn new things, where gaps in your knowledge were opened and then closed as you searched for new ways to do things.  How did this project go for you?  We tried new things this term with the video project and you learned a new skill.

    Please incorporate your perception of your experience receiving peer feedback in your reflection of this assignment.  How did this affect your work and effort, knowing that your peers were going to review your work?


  • ewilliamson 4:28 pm on November 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    iPeer Team Evaluation link released on Connect – on Nov 26 

    The link to the iPeer online Team Evaluation form will be available on our course home page on Connect on Nov 26. This is a completely confidential response system, and your feedback about your own and your teammates’ effort and contribution on the assignments will not be shared with anyone.

    Your completed team evaluation is due by 9:00 am on Monday, Dec 2. If you either submit your team evaluation late or do not submit it at all, this will be interpreted to mean that you wish to give yourself a score of zero on your team performance this term.

    In assigning scores for and writing comments about yourself and your teammates, please remember that effort and contribution are far more important to team effectiveness than technical skill and ability. In the Additional Comments field, please be as specific and constructive as you can in explaining any of your high or low rating scores and providing additional feedback about your teammates’ work on the team assignments.

    I reserve the right to adjust individual grades on team assignments based on the majority of feedback from teammates.

  • ewilliamson 3:50 pm on November 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Assignment 3 instructor grading rubric posted on Connect 



    As promised, I have created a grading rubric for Assignment 3: Marketing Mix Analysis – Video Project and posted it in the Assignments folder on Connect.

    You can  see the weightings of the various criteria I will be using to evaluate your videos.

    The rubric that you will use in Assignment 4 to evaluate your classmates’ videos will be posted soon.

    (I posted a Blog grading rubric a couple of months ago.)

  • ewilliamson 3:10 pm on November 24, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Additional Media Lab times 

    We have added the following additional times for you to work in the Media Lab.  Peter will be there to support you.

    • Sunday, Nov. 24th – 12:00pm to 5:00pm
    •   Monday, Nov. 25th – 12:00pm to 2:00pm
    •  Tuesday, Nov. 26th – 12:00pm to 3:00pm
    •   Wednesday, Nov. 27th – 12:00pm to 3:00pm and 4:00pm – 7:00pm
    •   Thursday, Nov. 28th – 12:00pm – 6:00pm
  • ewilliamson 4:31 pm on November 13, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Midterm review times 

    You may review your exam at one of the following times.  Please email the following:

    Section #, Full name, Preferred review time

    Tues. Nov. 19 – 12:30 – 1:30  – HA 233

    Thurs. Nov. 21 – 12:30 – 1:30 – HA 454

  • ewilliamson 5:51 pm on October 23, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Assignment 2 Oct 29 

    Course outline & class preps: Assignment 2 is due Oct 29.

  • ewilliamson 1:26 pm on October 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Thurs Oct 24 – Teamwork class 

    This class has been reserved for teams to work on Assignment #2.  This is not a cancelled or non-class!  You should plan to meet with your team, either in HA 241 or another location at the regular class time with an agreed upon work plan.

  • ewilliamson 1:23 pm on October 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Midterm reading requirements 

    You are responsible for the sections/pages in the chapters that were included as on the Class Prep. If it wasn’t on the Class Prep, you do not need to read the extra pages.

  • ewilliamson 1:22 pm on October 20, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Midterm chapters 

    As listed on the course outline, midterm chapters are 1,2,4,5,7,8,9 plus additional readings posted on Connect

  • ewilliamson 12:05 pm on September 23, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Clarification on Blog Assignment – words/date 

    Your first blog post is due Tues. Sept 24, as per the course outline.  The max word length (as per the Detailed Assignment Outline on Connect) is 300 words (not 100 words as per the class prep of last week.  A maximum of 100 words will not give you adequate opportunity to write a blog entry.)

    If you are completely unable to complete you entry by Sept. 24 due to diligent reading of the class prep  🙂 you may have an extension until Thurs. Sept. 26.

  • ewilliamson 7:13 pm on September 16, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    1st Blog Post – Ethics and Marketing 

    Your first blog post will be about Ethics and Marketing.  This is a really interesting topc and has many subject areas: product, marketing campaigns, advertising, sales, sales force management, global marketing, marketing and culture.

    In your reading of the business press, see what interests you about marketing and ethics.  Write a 100 word post on your blog about it.  Give your own opinion and insight.  Don’t just summarize someone’s work.  Why do you think what you’ve read is important?  What are the consequences?  To marketing?  To consumers?  To the organization?  To society?

    In our class on Tues Oct. 1, Dr. David Silver of the Sauder Ethics Dept and I will pull up several of your blog posts in class and ask you to discuss them with the class. (Blank posts won’t work well!)

  • ewilliamson 2:36 pm on September 8, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Setting Up Your Blog and Registering It 

    Register Your Blog on the right hand side of the website
    Complete the fields below, then check to see that your name has been added to the Blogroll. Check also that it links properly to your blog. See Dr. Blog for the tutorial.

  • ewilliamson 12:56 pm on September 2, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    URL for the ebook resources 

    If you have an access code for the CONNECT resources/ebook version of our textbook, you can register it at this web address: http://connect.mcgraw-hill.com/class/e_williamson_103_107_1

  • ewilliamson 1:55 am on August 30, 2013 Permalink | Reply  

    Welcome To Marketing! 

    Our first Intro to Marketing class is on Thursday. We have an fun term ahead with lots of interesting topics to discuss and ways to look at how marketing affects your life.

    Whichever Commerce option you’re thinking about, marketing is an important element of your professional and business training. For example, did you know that 3 of every 8 CEOs have a marketing background, and that marketing costs = approx. 50% of product costs? And if nothing else, keep in mind that you will eventually graduate with hundreds of other Sauder BComs and thousands of business students from other schools (and that’s just in your grad year alone!). That’s some stiff competition, and many of you will graduate with the exact same credentials. How are you going to stand out? You’re going to have to figure out how to effectively market YOURSELF! Stay tuned.

  • ewilliamson 7:32 pm on October 22, 2011 Permalink | Reply  

    Midterm reading requirements 

    You are responsible for the sections/pages in the chapters that were included as on the Class Prep. If it wasn’t on the Class Prep, you do not need to read the extra pages.

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