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Archive for October, 2011

Where Do Satellites go when they die? -Another Dead Satellite to Fall This Weekend

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

  Illustration courtesy DLR: An artist’s impression of ROSAT in orbit. Dead Satellites are being ‘unwelcome guests’ recently. The 6-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) satellite has entered the Earth’s atmosphere early morning of September 24th 2011, but where it has crashed remains unknown. According to NASA, debris would likely have fallen in Ocean, and it may never be found. […]

Music Training: Brain Plasticity

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Music and Neuroscience “Music relates to many brain functions like perception, action, cognition, emotion, learning and memory and therefore music is an ideal tool to investigate how the human brain is working and how different brain functions interact.” Music is a research area for neuroscientists – scientists who study nervous system – because of its […]

Promising Leads in the Hunt for an AIDS Cure

Monday, October 17th, 2011

30 years after the first reported cases of AIDS we still do not have a cure for a disease that has killed 25 million people.  The World Health Organization currently estimates at least 33 million people are currently infected worldwide and approximately 2 million deaths are attributed to the disease each year.  While in most western […]

See Anything Different? Cloning, The Controversy.

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Imagine yourself walking on the street, surrounded by mirrors. You would be seeing myriad of yourself straying alongside and pass you. That may be how the world would be like if cloning is to be successful and legal. The most renowned successful case of cloning is undoubtedly Dolly the sheep. Born in 1996, Dolly was […]

The Tasmanian Devil: Brought Down by a Single Bite?

Monday, October 17th, 2011

  The Tasmanian devil is a resilient and notoriously fiendish predator. Weighing up to 26 pounds, this carnivorous marsupial may not seem like a threat. However, pound for pound, its muscular jaws and sharp teeth add up to one of the most powerful bites of any mammal. To this end, it is hard to believe […]

True Heroes: African Pouched Rats Trained to Detect Landmines

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

All it takes is one more step, a resounding click for it to be your last. In Africa last year, 6000 people walked on landmines. Sadly, there was no way of knowing what was below the surface. A simple and sustainable solution for Africa’s real world problem has now been found. Bart Weetjens, a Buddhist […]

New technology used to map Yersinia pestis: New era of research into infectious diseases?

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

How cool would it be to track your ancestors back over 650 years? Well, if you are a Yersinia pestis, you are lucky because recently a group of Canadian scientists mapped the entire genetic makeup that will allow researchers to track your ancestor’s evolution and virulence over the centuries.   So you may ask, what […]

A Bond Betwen Man and Machine?

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

It is apparent that the trend of products today is to become smaller and smaller. We use many products today that achieve the same uses as its much bulkier predecessors. Just think back to the days of primitive cell phones. To say they were ‘big’ would be an understatement. While most would say that having […]

Contamination in Maple Leaf Products?

Friday, October 14th, 2011

If you think back of the summer in 2008, remember the contamination found in Maple Leaf Products? Yes that’s right, it was Listeriosis. The Listeriosis victims and families are now waiting for compensation after they have been sick from eating tainted meat. This largest food recall outbreak in Canada happened three years ago killing about […]

Have some mercy, kill me!

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Dr. Kevorkian dies at the age of 83 on June 3rd, 2011. (CNN blog-reports “Dr. Jack Kevorkian dead at 83”) Dr. Death is the name given to a pathologist Jack Kevorkian. He made the headlines of national news in early 1990s for his legislation of a “right-to-die”. Is Dr. Death a murderer? Early life Jacob […]

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