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Archive for the 'Issues in Science' Category

Animal research: cruel or crucial?

Sunday, October 30th, 2011

On October 28, 2011, Dr. John Hepburn, (Vice President, Research and International) sent an email to the UBC community on the subject of animal research.  He outlined the university’s plans to increase transparency on its animal research by releasing details on the number of animals and categories of species being used. According to, 211,764 […]

A Step in the Right Direction: A New Power Generation Strategy

Monday, October 24th, 2011

  Figure 1: Demonstates potential incorporation of technology into existing sidewalks in populated areas. The world today is constantly struggling to find new, environmentally friendly ways to generate energy. The major power sources today include oil, gas, coal, hydroelectric, and nuclear power. Until recently no one has thought to use everyday life to help generate […]

Garbage as far as the eye can sea.

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

  Plastic. Everyone is familiar with it; it’s used in the majority of products that are available to us. Yet because it is so frequent, many people do not take enough time to consider the effects that such a large industry has on the environment. Unknown to many, over 1 trillion plastic bags are used […]

Time to Wear Long-Sleeves: Flesh-Eating Disease on the Rise

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Warning: Blog Post contains graphic images and video which may offend or disturb some viewers. Blogger does not take responsibility for any sudden onsets of nausea. Viewer discretion is advised. What Is It? Flesh-eating disease, or Necrotizing fasciitis as it is formally known, is actually a bacterial infection caused by several types of bacteria but […]

Where Do Satellites go when they die? -Another Dead Satellite to Fall This Weekend

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

  Illustration courtesy DLR: An artist’s impression of ROSAT in orbit. Dead Satellites are being ‘unwelcome guests’ recently. The 6-ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) satellite has entered the Earth’s atmosphere early morning of September 24th 2011, but where it has crashed remains unknown. According to NASA, debris would likely have fallen in Ocean, and it may never be found. […]

See Anything Different? Cloning, The Controversy.

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Imagine yourself walking on the street, surrounded by mirrors. You would be seeing myriad of yourself straying alongside and pass you. That may be how the world would be like if cloning is to be successful and legal. The most renowned successful case of cloning is undoubtedly Dolly the sheep. Born in 1996, Dolly was […]

The Tasmanian Devil: Brought Down by a Single Bite?

Monday, October 17th, 2011

  The Tasmanian devil is a resilient and notoriously fiendish predator. Weighing up to 26 pounds, this carnivorous marsupial may not seem like a threat. However, pound for pound, its muscular jaws and sharp teeth add up to one of the most powerful bites of any mammal. To this end, it is hard to believe […]

Have some mercy, kill me!

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

Dr. Kevorkian dies at the age of 83 on June 3rd, 2011. (CNN blog-reports “Dr. Jack Kevorkian dead at 83”) Dr. Death is the name given to a pathologist Jack Kevorkian. He made the headlines of national news in early 1990s for his legislation of a “right-to-die”. Is Dr. Death a murderer? Early life Jacob […]

“We know what is in your mind” – The Development of ‘Mind-Reading Technology’

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

     In our society, people probably have wondered about what is in one’s mind. We are always curious about what others think; but we cannot just dissect their brains to figure out. Now there is an alternate way to do this. The ‘mind-reading machines’ have been developed. Scientists have developed a computerized mind-reading technique which lets […]

SPICE Up Your Life

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

  Scientists from universities across the United Kingdom are hoping to test one of their solutions to the worldwide issue of global warming. To understand the mechanism of the project, however, one must first be familiar with the process of global warming. Global warming is based on the imbalance of infrared radiation (IR) entering and […]

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