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Archive for the 'Issues in Science' Category

CoSTEP: Communicators in Science and Technology Education Program

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

There is a communications in science course that I would like to share. This past summer, I heard about a Japanese researcher named Dr. Gensei Ishimura, and I found through his website that he is one of the leading members of a program for training effective science communicators. This program is called CoSTEP, or Communicators […]

Who’s Your Mama?!

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

  While most of us don’t remember much of anything about our 9 months in the uterus, you would probably be just a little freaked out if you found out that those 9 months weren’t spent in a uterus at all… but in a man-made artificial uterus with several scientists devoted to bringing you to […]

Neutrinos: Breaking the Speed Limit?

Monday, September 26th, 2011

  On the 23rd of September 160 scientists from the OPERA experiment published a paper online suggesting they have found evidence of neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light.  This announcement has thrown neutrinos and the potential implications of the finding with relation to Einsteins Theory of Relativity into the scientific spotlight.    First of […]

Temporal Spacing and Learning: The Potential of Spaced Practice to Reduce Forgetting

Monday, September 26th, 2011

  The Winter 2011 Term is well underway at our University now and many of us return after, what is always at best, a well deserved break ending too soon; summer of course. Returning to our classes in various disciplines even just in the Faculty of Science we always seem to develop a sense of […]

It’s Faster than a Speeding Bullet, but is it Faster than the Speed of Light?

Monday, September 26th, 2011

He was the man that explained the world and the universe around us. He was the one who provided us with the fundamental laws of physics that helped us make immeasurable strides in science and technology. He was the scientist who proposed that nothing in the universe could travel faster than the speed of light […]

The Green Car Trophy: Did Hybrids Cheat to Win?

Monday, September 26th, 2011

Whether you sincerely care about the environment or not you have probably heard about the Toyota Prius. As the icon of ‘green cars,’ the Prius provides spectacular fuel economy and most importantly, outputs less environmentally harmful carbon emissions. The Prius is able to achieve these feats because of its innovative hybrid drive-train, which combines a […]

I’m sorry this is late, I really meant to post this earlier…..or iProcrastinate

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

As summer comes to an end and we’re back to school, some of us are still on vacation time. Assignments just keep coming, due dates are approaching and, surprisingly, nothing gets done. Where did the excitement for the new school year go? Procrastination is the answer. Are we the only victims of procrastination? Definitely not. […]

True or False? Presenting Scientific Data Without Evidence

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Over the course of Earth’s history there have been many mass extinctions. After each one there is the devastation of a world rid of many forms of life.  Barren and bleak, it must be a hard place to live.  Nevertheless, each mass extinction allows space for new life to grow and develop, such as dinosaurs […]

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