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Steller Sea Lions: How can we help?

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

  Steller Sea Lions live in the Pacific Rim from Japan to California with 70% living in Alaska. Sadly, their population has been drastically declining since the 1970s due to many reasons: predation by killer whales, increase in parasites and diseases nutritional stress due to competition for food with humans. Some fishing companies even deliberately […]

See Anything Different? Cloning, The Controversy.

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Imagine yourself walking on the street, surrounded by mirrors. You would be seeing myriad of yourself straying alongside and pass you. That may be how the world would be like if cloning is to be successful and legal. The most renowned successful case of cloning is undoubtedly Dolly the sheep. Born in 1996, Dolly was […]

Who’s Your Mama?!

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

  While most of us don’t remember much of anything about our 9 months in the uterus, you would probably be just a little freaked out if you found out that those 9 months weren’t spent in a uterus at all… but in a man-made artificial uterus with several scientists devoted to bringing you to […]

True or False? Presenting Scientific Data Without Evidence

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Over the course of Earth’s history there have been many mass extinctions. After each one there is the devastation of a world rid of many forms of life.  Barren and bleak, it must be a hard place to live.  Nevertheless, each mass extinction allows space for new life to grow and develop, such as dinosaurs […]

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