Image source: Blogspot
The beginning of October is fast approaching and with that we welcome the first round of midterms and an increase in our stress levels. As a self-diagnosed emotional eater, I always find myself craving unhealthy foods at this time. Which makes me wonder, is it all psychological or is there a more scientific reason behind this?
It is known that taste and pleasant memories associated with junk food play a role in our tendency to gravitate towards fatty or sugary food in times of stress. But a new study suggests that there is more to it than that. According to the study by Lukas Van Oudenhove and his colleagues, our stomach may be influencing our brain through the release of hormones. This occurs independently of any feelings we have toward a particular food. Suggesting that emotional eating not only operates on a psychological level, but a biological level as well.

Image source: Stuffpoint
In this study, Van Oudenhove and his team infused one of two meals through unmarked feeding tubes into the stomach of twelve healthy, normal weight volunteers. They were either fed a saline control solution or a solution of saturated fatty acids. By tube feeding them, the researchers eliminated the subjective and overall experience of eating, such as: tastes, smells, and textures.
After the volunteers were fed, the researchers tried to invoke a feeling of sadness in them. They had them listen to gloomy classical music and were shown pictures of people with depressed facial expressions. The volunteers were then administered a mood survey. The results revealed that those who were fed the fatty acid solution were more upbeat and happy after being exposed to the depressing environment, compared to those who were fed the saline solution.

MRI Machine
Image source: Wikipedia
In addition, functional MRI brains scan were taken during the study to further exemplify these results. The researchers compared the scans of those who were fed the saline solution to those who were fed the fatty acid solution. Surprisingly, they found that the fatty acid solution had actually dampened activity in parts of the brain that are involved in sadness.
This study successfully demonstrates that food can have a comforting effect on a biological level. Unfortunately, this makes it even harder to resist the urge to emotionally eat in times of stress. Although there is nothing wrong with occasionally eating unhealthy comfort food, we must still find ways to comfort ourselves without the extra calories. This is crucial in the long run if we want to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Below is a video explaining the chemical effect on stress on our eating habits, the consequences, and a possible solution.
-Angelica Reyes
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