Brushing teeth is important because it affects making a good first impression. According to Health Correspondent, Joshua Levine, “bad breath is a definite first impression killer and can make intimacy unpleasant”. No matter how great a person is, it would be hard to talk with him or her if he or she has a bad breath. Thus, it is essential to brush your teeth properly, so that you do not have a bad breath, which may ruin your personal relationships.

Bad breath affects making the first impressions. Image from Flickr:
Having unpleasant odor on the exhaled breath is called halitosis. There are many reasons for halitosis, but the main cause is the foods remaining in the mouth. After eating, if the mouth is not cleaned properly, the odor-producing bacteria grow in the mouth. These bacteria accumulate on the foods remaining between the teeth, and release volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), which make the breath smell. Therefore, it is necessary to brush teeth regularly, and keep the mouth clean from the foods remaining in order to prevent the halitosis.

Brushing teeth properly is important. Image from Flickr:
To give you some tips how to brush teeth properly, choosing the right toothbrush and bristles is important. This is because if the toothbrush is too big for your mouth, you cannot brush the teeth inside the mouth. Also, it is crucial to brush teeth for right period of time because brushing teeth too often and hard may expose the root of the tooth to irritation. However, it is still needed to brush teeth often enough and long enough. Michael Sesemann, the president of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, suggested that brushing teeth for about three minutes is the optimal period of time. Moreover, always remember to brush inner tooth surfaces because the inner surfaces of the tooth is where the most foods remaining stay.

Brush your teeth properly, stay away from the bad breath, and make your impressions always fresh.
References: Askmen, TeensHealth, Web MD