Author Archives: JianpingGao

The True Mystery of Scientific Pig Raising: Cultivation of Medical Heroes

Pigs have always been synonymous with lazy and useless. But do you know that the pig is a living science treasure? In the eyes of scientists, it is possible to dig up new scientific treasures all over a pig’s body. In the future, human beings may have to borrow human organs from them.

Scientists say they have successfully kept a baboon alive with a pig’s heart for six months. (Credit: Dusan Petkovik/Shutterstock)

Statistics About Pigs Used in Scientific Fields

In modern science, the pig is one of the most ideal and important experimental animals, playing an important role in medicine and other fields. The most recent report on pigs’ use in the U.S. from 2017 revealed that 51,020 pigs were used in research protocols that year, representing a 12% increase in use from 2014.

Reasons for Why Pigs Used in Research Fields

Scientists usually use model animals to understand particular biological phenomena. The classic model animals we often hear are rats, fruit flies, and zebrafish. However, due to their long distances from human evolution, they cannot completely mimic the occurrence of human diseases. But pigs are different. They are closer to human and have anatomical structures and physiological functions close to human. Especially in the digestive system, cardiovascular system, metabolic processes, and other aspects are very similar. Therefore, the scientific value of taking pigs as research models is very large.

Miniature pigs with an adult weight of about 30 kg were selected as experimental varieties. They are characterized by small size, genetic stability, easy feeding, and easy operation. At the same time, it also meets the experimental requirements of genetic stability and small differences in physiological indexes among individuals.

Achievements Scientists Earned So Far

Nowadays, scientists have successfully applied ingredients extracted from the pig into medicine people may take.

A research team led by Bruno Reichart at the University of Munich in Germany has developed a technique allowing 4 baboons successfully implanted in the heart of a pig. They survived more than 90 days after receiving a heart transplant. The longest of them survived for 195 days, far exceeding the record of non-human primate xenotransplantation.

Improving pig-to-primate heart transplants. (Credit to Längin, M. et al.)

The significance of Xenotransplants Hearts

Although figuring out how to safely xenotransplant hearts is still an important area of study to be extensively explored, demand for organs outpaces supply can be met in a possible way.

Imagine if your heart is exhausting and anxiously waiting for a new heart. After waiting for the right donor, the doctor called to tell you at this time that the donor is not a human but a pig. It sounds like a science fiction bridge, but it may indeed be realized in the near future.

— Jianping Gao


Trying to lose weight? Avoid the Tapeworm Diet!


Humans may use half of their imagination for weight loss. To be slim, all kinds of brain-opening methods of weight loss are endless, such as taking ribs, freezing diet, cutting stomach, swallowing cotton balls, vomiting… Among the strange weight-loss methods, the Tapeworm Diet is the most dangerous.

However, the mite diet is so simple and rude that it always attracts people who want to take shortcuts. Just take a piece of mites, no need for diet and exercise, and wait for the eggs to hatch in the body. These parasites will start their mission to help the body absorb the hateful nutrients. This completely hits the pain point of human beings who want to lie down and get thin.

So, is it feasible to use mites to lose weight? First, let’s understand how terrible aphids are.

Among all parasites, aphids are a heterogeneous species. As an intestinal parasite, they are mainly known as “big” and longer than the human body. However, they can hide in your body for a few years, but you cannot feel their existence. You will not be told by doctors that there are alien invasions until your headache is unbearable, and you are tortured by nausea, vomiting, and convulsions.

Taenia saginata (beef tapeworm) and Taenia solium (pork tapeworm) are mostly used for weight loss. Eggs or gravid proglottids are passed with feces. Thus, Cattle and pigs became infected by ingesting vegetation contaminated with eggs or gravid proglottids.

life-cycle of pig tapeworms and cattle tapeworms ( courtesy of DPDx)


Take the pigs (T. solium) as an example. When the mites enter the pig stomach, the stomach acid protease will digest the outer shell. After the egg shell breaks, the aphid larvae will escape. At this stage, the larvae have six hooks. Therefore, they can easily pass through the stomach wall and reach other parts of the body. In general, the destination of them is striated muscle. But some of them will reach other parts of the body, including the brain, liver, eyes and subcutaneous tissues. Once these mites settle down, it grows into a capsule thatprotects them from the immune system. In this stage, they are called cysticercosis.

If people do not fully heat pork before eating them, these capsules will enter the human body alive. They will be encapsulated by digestive juice and transform into adults that have head segments to adsorb on the human intestinal wall. Aphids use fluff to absorb the gut nutrition for their own needs.

However, what happens next is creepy. Aphids’ neck segments will continue to split and produce more body segments which will gradually mature. Adult tapeworms can shed ten segments one day, and each body section contains tens of thousands of eggs. After growing into sic hooks, these mites will enter various tissues and organs. As a result, the host people will have cysticercosis.

If they invade our skin, it is skin cysticercosis.

It can be said that the cysticercosis that normal humans try to avoid, the extreme dieters are open to this. The locusts are not only consuming calories but also consumes the host himself or herself.