Hints on extended abstract

Some students ask clarification questions about the content and structure of extended abstracts. Here are additional hints, based on my answers to the clarification questions:

  • Basically, what I’m looking for is an initial draft of your final paper, as complete as you can make it given the progress you’ve made on your project.
  • I also want to see what you plan to do in the 2 months remaining.
  • My objectives are (1) to assess the chances for you succeeding in your project, and (2) to give you feedback.
  • Yes, I expect your 3-page extended abstract to be structured and therefore to have sections. It’s structure is up to you.
  • It should be properly formatted and references should have also proper format and complete citation information, according to ACM formatting requirements.
  • For examples of hands on projects in my undergraduate course, see here. Keep in mind that theses are projects done by undergraduate students in groups of 3-4.
  • (additional hints are to be added, as I answer more questions)

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