Genetically Modified Foods

Article 1:
Article 2:

Genetically modified foods are products that have been mixed with other genes from another species to produce a final product that carries specific characteristics. For example, nut genes were spliced into soybeans in 1996 in Brazil which led to near death situations for individuals as a result of allergic reactions. Article 1 states that the majority of processed foods are genetically modified, but are not labeled and are treated like traditional foods.  In my opinion, this is unethical. Some argue that genetically modified foods are just as safe as the traditional foods and therefore, require no labeling. However, from Article 2,  it is clear that it is not the case. For example, “Genetic engineering may produce mutations or unanticipated side effects, such as toxins, allergens, or lowered nutritional value in foodstuffs.”  By not labeling the genetically modified foods, consumers are unaware of what they’re ingesting and may be eating harmful foods. A survey done by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press found that 53% of Americans would not eat genetically modified foods. However, since they are not labeled, it is almost impossible for consumers to realize whether the food is genetically modified or not.

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