The Reel Injun: Module 2, Post #2

In my last year of University I took a Canadian Photography course that was focused on the early invention of photography and its evolution in Canada. We watched this film in the class. It is fascinating to learn about how Indigenous peoples have typically been portrayed in film and media. This film is a 2009 Canadian documentary directed by a Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond, Catherine Bainbridge, and Jeremiah Hayes. The way in which Native Americans have been portrayed in the media was shocking to me. The film brings about the common issue of misrepresentation of characters in film. This film ties in very well with the Ginsberg (2002) reading in Week 4. It is historical and collaborative. The film shows iconic locations in movie history and illustrates the portrayal and stereotyping of Native Americans that was done on these sets. The film is nomadic, the makers travel around to all of these locations and re-write history in a time when they now have the opportunity to do so. This film shows that film and media has almost come full circle from the first representation of Inuit people in Flaherty’s 1922 film. If you have a bit of time to watch any or all of it, I would highly recommend.

Ginsburg, F.D. (2002). Screen Memories: Resignifying the Traditional in Indigenous Media. In F.D. Ginsberg, L. Abu-Lughod & B. Larkin, (Eds.) Media Worlds: Anthropology on a New Terrain. (pp. 39-57). Berkeley, University of California Press.

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