Author Archives: STEPHANIEIVES

Entry #10: In Whose Interest?

Gulig, A. G. (1997). In whose interest?: Government-Indian relations in northern Saskatchewan and Wisconsin, 1900-1940 (Unpublished master’s thesis). Thesis (Ph. D.): University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

This document is a doctoral thesis published in 1997 at the University of Saskatchewan. It examines the conflicting interests of the government and Indigenous groups in the early years of Saskatchewan’s existence as a Canadian province, particularly in the area of natural resources. The historical context of interactions and dynamics between the two groups is important for understanding more current challenges, perspectives, and structures. This paper comes from a time before reconciliation was an official focus in our country. The research also explores the same issues in the state of Wisconsin. The resource list for this paper includes copious amounts of references to primary sources that would be very useful for further research into this period of time in the history of relationships between Indigenous groups and Euro-Canadians.

Entry #9: The Sixties Scoop

Alston-O’Connor, E. (2011). The Sixties Scoop: Implications for Social Workers and Social Work Education. Critical Social Work, 11(1), 53-61. Retrieved from

This paper is a well-sourced exploration of the present consequences of the Sixties Scoop, which has been at the forefront in the media this week due to the recent court case. This article provides contextual background as well as considerations for dealing with the imposed consequences and realities of families and institutions affected by this policy. In order for positive developments to be made in positive growth and healing, there needs to be an understanding of the role different people can play in the process. Understanding the roots of challenges is essential to understanding how to address the challenges. Social work and education are closely connected, and in this case, the social work perspective on the historic and present events is important as a component of a larger picture regarding the Sixties Scoop.

Entry #8: First Nations Representation in the Media

OISE. (2017, April 11). First Nation Representations in the Media. Retrieved October 13, 2017, from

This resource page from the University of Toronto provides links to books, films and videos, podcasts, and websites that center around representations of First Nations people in the media. Having the variety of resource types is important, as the information can appeal to a broader audience and present the ideas in multiple ways. The linked resources come from the voices of both Indigenous peoples such as Wab Kinew or Frank Waln and from organizations such as the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, and are contemporarily relevant. Similar to the course resource of Mary Simon’s interview, many of these resources provide readers and viewers with an opportunity to understand representation from an Indigenous perspective and to broaden their understanding of historical and current storytelling in the media.

Entry #7: MediaSmarts

Mediasmarts. (2017). Common Portrayals of Aboriginal People. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

This resource is intended to assist in the critical analysis of common portrayals of Aboriginal people in the media. With resources for parents and teachers, MediaSmarts aims to provide practical and user friendly tools to guide adults in helping youth navigate stereotypes and misconceptions. MediaSmarts contextualizes the issue before providing links to resources that can be used to address the challenge. Tipsheets, blog posts, and lesson plans are just a few of the resource types available to parents and teachers. This resource is useful for understanding how to explore issues such as misrepresentation with students in a way that recognizes the importance of critical thinking and the value of addressing the issues in a way that will allow people to move forward more progressively.

Entry #6: A Special Report on Race and Power (Macleans)

Macdonald, N. (2016, July 30). Saskatchewan: A special report on race and power. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from

This article published by Maclean’s magazine in January 2015 explores the dynamics involved in leadership positions throughout Saskatchewan. As a province with significant First Nations and Metis populations, the statistics shared in the article show that this raw composition is not proportionately realized in leadership roles. The balance of written text and graphical organizations helps to highlight the most significant pieces of the research while also providing sufficient explanation and contextualization. This resource is especially useful for exploring the realities facing Aboriginal peoples in Saskatchewan as they work to gain more representation and strengthen their communities. Beneath the article, links to related stories point to additional currently relevant issues and events involving and affecting Aboriginal Canadians.

Research Interest: Race Relations/Dynamics in Saskatchewan

For my research paper, I would like to explore the climate of race relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people and communities in Saskatchewan. This interest has been triggered by recent provincial news events and court cases involving current racial issues that also have historic roots, such as the Colten Boushie shooting and Gerald Stanley trial. Within my examination of race relations, I will make connections to the role of social media in shaping the current circumstances and the implications of the intercultural dynamic on education and youth, as well as how both social media and education could be used as transformative tools to improve the situation. In my online teaching environment, a segment of my students come from First Nations cultures and are pursuing distance education for a variety of reasons, including bullying, remote locations, and a desire for a more flexible learning environment. Additionally, I would like to work right in Saskatoon eventually, and the city has a large First Nations and Métis population. Developing a better understanding of the current climate and its origins will enable me to better understand these students and be able to support them in their learning on their own terms. Additionally, this understanding will better enable me to explore such social dynamics more effectively with all of my students, working to help them become more open and understanding young people. As a resident of this province, I feel that it is my responsibility to become more aware and become better able to promote positive change. The University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Studies Online Library will be the starting point for my research, as it contains both historic and current resources compiled by a panel of respected researchers and cultural leaders. As someone who was not born in Saskatchewan, it is my hope that this research will enable me to better understand the more localized issues and envision realistic and relevant steps forward and the role that I can potentially play.

Entry #5 – CBC News – Indigenous


The CBC has an online category on its news website dedicated to news stories that are relevant to Indigenous audience members. This area of the site includes new articles, blog links, videos, radio links, and opinion pieces. This resource is particularly useful for examining contemporary issues involving and affecting Indigenous peoples and communities in various areas of Canada. The same and similar resources are also available in French through the Radio-Canada branch of CBC. Of note is that the news stories are not simply about Indigenous peoples, but rather for Indigenous cultural perspectives, such as a section on hunting and gathering issues that contains an article about pickerel. This website is valuable for examining currently relevant issues and topics, as well as for recognizing how the media can be connected to and support Indigenous worldview.

Entry #4 – Gabriel Dumont Institute Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture


This online museum is full of digitized collections of artifacts, videos, audio recordings, photographs, and other resources pertaining to the historical and present day culture and experiences of the Métis peoples. They also provide learning resources for educators, both print and online, linguistic tools for Michif (the Métis language), and ongoing and temporary exhibits. They list links to the Virtual Museum of Canada online resource about Batoche, as well as copious links to external websites under the categories of Aboriginal, Archive and Museum, Canadian History and Archaeology, Genealogy, Government and Youth Empowerment, Métis History/Culture/Politics, and Michif. The thousands of components of the online museum combined with the multitude of external links make this resource a valuable research tool for both primary and secondary sources.

Entry #3 – University of Saskatchewan Indigenous Studies Portal Research Tool


The iPortal is a database that contains both freely accessible and licensed resources (text and visual) connected primarily to the Canadian context of Aboriginal peoples, but also expanding to include a broader North American context as well. The range of resource types is broad, including but not limited to archival documents, photographs, e-books, websites, field notes, and artwork. The database is fully searchable or can be browsed through categories such as Spirituality or Economic Development. A project created in cooperation with many individuals and organizations, this database is a valuable resource for finding various resource types relevant to the Canadian Aboriginal context.

Entry #2 – Office of the Treaty Commissioner


The Office of the Treaty Commissioner focuses on building and maintaining bilateral relationships between the Canadian Government and the Federation of Sovereign Indian Nations, as well as between First Nations and non-First Nations peoples in Saskatchewan. Their site offers information and media releases on relevant current events and issues, resources pertaining to the history of treaties in the province, and opportunities to connect with speakers and attend workshops facilitated by the OTC. As the voice of treaty relationships in the province, the OTC provides both up-to-date and historical information about the applications and implementation of the Treaty principles in Saskatchewan.