Tag Archives: indigenous rights

Tribal Voice: Indigenous Leading Environmental Protection


“There is resistance: in Canada it’s coming from First Nations. But it’s worth remembering that that’s a world-wide phenomenon. Throughout the world, the indigenous populations are in the lead. They are actually taking the lead in trying to protect the earth. That’s extremely significant.”

Noam Chomsky praised Indigenous people for leading the resistance for environmental protection. And as he mentions this is happening world-wide, and has been for quite some time.

Tribal Voice

The Tribal Voice Project  gives smartphones to indigenous people in the Amazon. They use the phones to record their views and perspectives in order to take part in, and impact decisions concerning their land. Here is a sample recording:




Module 3.3: Cultural Survival

Post 3: Cultural Survival


Cultural Survival is an organization that has been promoting the rights of Indigenous communities around the globe since 1972. They utilize community radio, letter-writing campaigns, and other programs in order to help Indigenous communities defend their lands, languages, and cultures. The website outlines each of the programs as well as links to the reports and publications created in conjunction with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.