Author Archives: Steve

Asymptotic Analysis Worksheet Sample Solution

Here is a sample solution to the asymptotic analysis worksheet. Take a look at it and be sure you understand where the solutions came from and how they relate to the work you did!

Assignment #2

Here is the initial version of Assignment #2, composed of the collected tutorial quizzes, solutions to those quizzes, and some extra questions building on the quizzes for the assignment. (Here is LaTeX source, with a .txt extension so the blog lets us post it!)

NOTE that we may add to the assignment shortly after the exam (by the end of the day Monday after the exam at the latest).

The assignment is spookily due on Fri 13 Oct at 10PM.

Please submit it on GradeScope.

Readings to finish for the week of Sep 24-Sep 30

Our upcoming readings for this week are: Sections 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, and 4.2. This will start you in on greedy algorithms. We’ll start working on greedy algorithms via a graph example, bridging the graphs and greedy algorithms sections.

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Quiz 2 Pre-Reading

Here’s a pre reading document for quiz 2. Reading this before your quiz may help you avoid spending time reading/understanding it during the quiz. We’d urge you to do so!

(We may do this with future quizzes and exams.)

Resident-Hospital Matching Worksheet Sample Solution

Here is a sample solution to the RHP worksheet. Take a look at it and be sure you understand where the solutions came from and how they relate to the work you did!

Asymptotic Analysis Worksheet

Here’s a worksheet to briefly discuss asymptotic analysis, considering both comparison of growth rates of functions and analysis of algorithms. We’ll start in on this worksheet soon, and we may move through it very quickly.

Also, here’s a one-pager to review big-O notation, add little-o notation, and offer a way that limits can help you with these comparisons.

Readings to finish for the week of Sep 17-23

Our upcoming readings for the week of Sep 17-23 are: Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Sections 3.1-3.3 should be largely review, with section 3.4 providing a (hopefully!) new application area to explore.

SMP Intro sample solution

Here is a sample solution to the SMP intro worksheet.

Assignment #1

UPDATE: Here is LaTeX source for the assignment. (It has a “.txt” extension because doesn’t allow upload of “.tex” files.)

Here is the full assignment version of Assignment #1, composed of the collected tutorial quizzes with some extra requests specific for the assignment.

This is due Friday 22 Sep at 10PM.

Please submit it on GradeScope. GradeScope invitations are going out on the same day this post releases. If you don’t have yours by the next day, please post on Piazza!