The network


Network OBJECTIVES: to connect researchers, students, educators and other professionals and organizations interested in the network theme; to facilitate research collaborations and academic interchanges; to contribute to the dissemination of information about publications, teaching resources and events related to critical educational approaches to global and planetary citizenship.

Understanding of CRITICAL STUDIES: self-reflexive studies that: challenge the historical production of social and cultural hierarchies; problematize the status quo and the ethics of relationships between human beings, and human beings and the planet; engage in systemic analyses of inequalities in the production of knowledge and of borders, in relations of power and in the distribution of resources and social value. The theoretical repertoire of these approaches includes, but not is not exclusive to: postcolonial, decolonial, indigenous, post-structural, post-humanist and post-development theories.

Definitions of GLOBAL and PLANETARY CITIZENSHIP: in very general terms, the ideas of global and planetary citizenship are associated with the historical construction of cultural, economic, political and existential relations and conflicts between different peoples, forms of knowledge, ways of life, and spaces of co-existence. The term ‘global citizenship’ emphasizes human action in this context, while the term ‘planetary citizenship’ centers the planet itself as a thematic priority. We recognize that the modern concept of citizenship that privileges the Nation State is extremely limited and inadequate in representing the complexity, plurality and vitality of lived experiences and relationships between bodies and ideas of time and space.

NORMATIVE POSITION: This network highlights the plurality, ambivalence and contingency of the production of meaning, therefore it does not offer a single normative position, although it does offer suggestions for ethical orientations with the intent to interrupt potentially harmful practices in different contexts.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS in this network: we promote trans-local practices that aim to unscript imposed borders at the same time that they recognize the contingency of thought and action and affirm the essential value of difference, humility and openness to different life experiences and ways of being, doing, thinking and relating.

INTELLECTUAL EXCHANGES: in a context where the commodification and commercialization of knowledge take over the public educational imaginary, we emphasize the need for intellectual generosity and collegial support in educational contexts.

We understand education as a public process that extends cognitive, affective, relational, political and existential referents at the service of future generations of different species in a resource-limited planet that faces unprecedented challenges. From this perspective, academic service aims to create educational spaces for lived experiences that make visible the limits imposed to our imagination. This involves being exposed to questions and issues that pose challenges, create dissonance, and that demand self-reflexivity and self-implication in political and social critique.