I thoroughly enjoyed reading “The Shrouded Woman” by Maria Luisa Bombal. I found that I became interested in the story and plot right away compared to the books that we have previously read in this course. Throughout the entirety of the process of reading the novel I experienced a wide array of emotions. I think I felt so many emotions and was so invested in the novel because I ended up really liking the main character. It’s almost as if I felt connected to Ana Maria on a personal level, almost as if I knew her in real life.
I found that the concept of seeing the world after death is deeply intriguing. Being able to see Ana Maria’s point of view from, in a way, her ghost or spirit really makes me think deeply and reflect on my own life. While reading the shrouded woman I constantly felt myself imaging my own life and circumstances in place of Ana Maria’s. It brought a lot of emotion to me to think about watching the people in my life live on when I wouldn’t be there. A scene in particular that made me think deep was the scene when Ana Maria was at her own wake. She could just invisibly observe her family and friends all mourning her. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that would feel like. A situation like that seems so foreign however it makes me curious because for all we know this could actually be what happens after death.
The relationship between Sofia and Ana Maria also really resonated with me. Ana Maria shares her concern about wondering if she was too quick to dismiss Sofia when their friendship ended. This made me think about the potential regrets I would have in my own life were it to suddenly end. I think that her situation spreads a great message about regrets and living life to the fullest.
My question for the class… Why do you think that the main character was a woman? Because of the time in history that this was written it seems far more unusual for a whole novel to be about a woman’s life instead of a man’s, so it makes me curious as to why it was that Ana Maria would be a woman rather than a man. Do you think it was chosen randomly or do you think there is a reason, and of so why?
I believe the author chose the main character to be a woman to give us hindsight on their side of the story. Most fiction stories have a male as the main character, and most of the story and plot revolve around struggling then finding their niche at the end as they overcome their troubles. This story however, makes us sympathize with the main character as her ill life wasn’t even close to “happy”. Having a female heroine symbolizes how important vulnerability is in our life and that it makes us human. Males have always been potrayed as dominant and strong without emotions, but even this book shows that men can show emotion and grieve and show vulnerability as well.
I too felt a wide array of emotions! I think it is was very important to have a female protagonist, especially during the time, to highlight the complex experiences of a woman at a time when they probably weren’t highlighted (and still aren’t). I think it is really refreshing to have a woman as the main character, as we are able to gain insight that is not only important but often times silenced or glossed over.
I personally thought her female character was really fun to read! She wasn’t put together or always particularly moral or consistent with her values, but she was vulnerable with her emotions, imperfect and questioning, all of which not only play to a woman’s (or person’s) strengths but also portray a true and complex side of her.
Hi Daelyn, I found your comments and reflection quite insightful and interesting, and it seems like the book really resonated with you. As a woman, this was really refreshing to read and I enjoyed it quite a bit. To answer your question, I think the story was deliberately centred on a woman’s life. Not many books showcased women’s side of things, so I thought it was really interesting and enjoyable to see this. Thanks!
Hey Daelyn!
I agree with what you said about the concept of death and the afterlife in the novel. I also found myself very involved in the novel because of the fine line that the author draws between life and death. The juxtaposition of reality and the supernatural was an interesting perspective. I loved the narrative lens through which we read about Ana Marìa’s life.
The decision of portraying a female main character might be linked to the author’s will to spread a feminist message. We see how Ana Marìa is oppressed by a society that considers her inferior and the suffering that causes. I saw her death also as a liberation from the life that she was forced to have – mostly because of a patriarchal society.
Hi Daelyn!
I really enjoyed reading your input. I loved how the main character was a woman. I felt that it was important to view life after death from a woman’s perspective and let the character feel these vulnerable emotions that come along with it.