Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning e-Portfolios with Lucas Wright

Olivia and I have been working on a toolkit for teachers.  The toolkit basically outlines information on learning e-Portfolios, benefits, etc.  Here is an image that encapsulates some ideas that Lucas helped us come up with:


Uploaded by AJC1 on Flickr, Creative Commons.

Nice picture to get ideas flowing.  For some reason it has been hard to put all those ideas into sentences…hopefully Olivia and I can get it together soon! Adios for now.

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Digital Tattoo Lesson for Primary Students (Grade 2 & 3)

Uploaded on Flickr, Creative Commons by Peter Nijenhuis.

Cindy Underhill had asked Olivia and me to create a lesson for elementary aged students for a digital tattoo project.  The lesson objective is to create awareness of the traces people leave behind on the internet.  Because footprints might be a more relatable concept for young children, we used the term “digital footprints” instead of “digital tattoo.”  Also, we aimed the lesson at younger kids because people start surfing the net, etc. at increasingly younger ages.

Feel free to adapt this lesson as you see fit.  Enjoy!

Click on lesson here: DigitalTattooLesson-Grade 2 & 3

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