Poets See Ordinary Things Differently

Posted by in Language Arts, Practicum

I found a very interesting lesson plan when searching for ideas on how to approach my poetry unit.  In this unit plan I found the lesson, “Poets see Ordinary Things Differently.” I thought that this was such an amazing approach to take with the students.  This would allow the students to all look at the same object but create completely different poems.  I worked in four groups that I had pre-arranged with the students.  This lesson took over two days to complete but was completely worth it.  In the end we were left with four beautiful poems.  You can see our masterpieces below as well as the object they were writing about.

One group poem.

Another poem.

A poem.

The last poem.

The object we were writing about.


Resource: http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CEgQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fschools.nyc.gov%2FNR%2Frdonlyres%2F578980C9-C3CA-42D2-82CA-42666D25EB42%2F19500%2FK2lessonplans.doc&ei=ExNjU46XKsn4oASi-oCICg&usg=AFQjCNFpur2v8I23jqIF3dr0W5oAkyCdxw&sig2=cl8Wv-fTNQEEcrYv38MKQw&bvm=bv.65636070,d.cGU