Business Ethics: Walmart

Walmart is one of the worlds largest private employers and a very successful company. With such a wide variety of things a shopper can buy and at such low prices it’s no surprise that a company like Walmart is so successful. But despite the undeniable success of Walmart there are still many ethical issues within the company. One of these issues being the amount of money Walmart chooses to pay most of their employees. Walmart employs around 2 million workers in America and of those 2 million workers a majority of them get paid around $8.81 an hour. For these nearly 2 million employees earning $8.81 they have some of the lowest work wages in America. Why would such a successful company pay its workers so little money? If less money gets spent on paying employees it could mean more money for those higher up in the company and more for the company itself. Both are great things and I’m sure there’s many other ways Walmart benefits from from paying its workers so little, but I don’t think they are treating their workers fairly. Sure not every employee can be paid a high amount but when a majority of full time workers can barely meet an annual living fee of $25,000 a year it is a sign that Walmart should pay there employees better.

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Work Cited: Cystal, Ervin. “Walmart Exposed over Employee Pay and Discrimination.” Las Vegas Guardian Express. N.p., 8 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Sept. 2013.