About Me

Hi guys

My name is Daniela, people usually call me Dani.
To tell you a bit about myself…

  • I’m from Ecuador but I have lived in Thailand for 11 years.
  • I’m 19 years old, born on August 18th.
  • Hablo Español, I can also speak English, et français.
  • I’m currently in the Faculty of Arts, considering psychology as my major but I’m unsure.
  • I love photography and dance.
  • I play sports (basketball, soccer, and track & field).

The reason to taking LAST 100 was to get a better understanding of Latin America. I’m from Ecuador but I haven’t been integrated in the country despite the annual visits to see family, so I crave to learn more about not only where I am from but about Latin America as it has always intrigued me.

So far, I am a little bit nervous about being in a new place with a bunch of new people, it’s all a little intimidating but it’ll be fun to get to know everyone in class by the end of the semester :3

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